Roma sex dream, Siri man

Date: 9/1/2017

By twilson37

Drink I want to work for a roommate out. Room to room and another girl as they were leaving work. I tagged along with Sue and also how I met a guy and I had sex. LOL...Guess this is what happens when you record dreams in your sleep Dreamed I went to work where an old friend worked. Remember thinking minimum wage? WTF was I thinking leaving my job for this. Was going out for drinks after work with Roma. There was another girl with us. I was annoyed. They were acting very close. Roma is my best friend. What are you doing here. I realize I have been replaced. They pick up a guy and have sex with him. I am more of a spectator, I am a bit shocked but ultimately I am just jealous of how close the two girls are. ---- Roma was my best friend since 5th grade. Cut relationship off about 3 years ago. I didn't feel the relationship was fruitful any longer. Do not love half loves or suffer half friends... Guess I am missing her.