Allison Anxiety and Natalia Stirrings: Allitalia Anxirrings

Date: 6/20/2017

By drunchee

I'm with marcos and Garrett at Marcos's house, and Allie is at a sleep over with Bernie Abby Natalie Mara Morgan and Natalia, at Bernie's house. I keep seeing their stories on snap and some are really hot. Anyhow, Allie won't open my snap but keeps sending ME things, so I have a ton of random pics from Al but she won't open mine. Later it says she blocked me. She won't answer my DM, or my Kik. She then texts me on a Minecraft Gamecenter chat format, and I reply on my tablet. She says her snap just isn't working, which is a relief. I try texting back but the text is weird. It's in big, white minecraft font over a minecraft forest biome screensaver and I can only type a certain number of words. Later, instead of being with the boys at Marcos house, I'm now at some house with a huge TV in the living room playing baseball. It's like my aunt Jean's house. It was late at night, and the lights inside the living room were off. It was just me and Mrc and G on the ground, illuminated only by the TV. My aunt Lisa is on the couch, watching us while talking on the phone and laughing. Natalia is here now too, standing up and dancing and imitating hitting a baseball while watching TV, paying no attention to us, but we're all focused on her ass, which shifts from being a nice booty, to a small one, to having nipples on it. Aunt Lisa tells the person on the phone about how distracted Garrett is due to the booty and Garrett gets embarrassed. But it was a nice butt sometimes.