Date: 11/4/2018
By pretzeling
I was at a movie shoot. The lead actress kept saying “It’s following me. It’s watching me.” I thought she was insane until I saw there was a giant cyclops head in the distance that never went away and would always stare at us no matter where we were. I was so unsettled. It kept creeping closer to the front porch of the house we were shooting in. A movie set employee went outside with a giant sword and mercilessly beat the giant head, so that its skin fell off in strips and it turned to a jelly like consistency. Turns out the head was a fan (?) and became angry at us for treating it rudely, refusing to come back to the set and smearing us in the press. Later I was on a bus and had to collect coins or stamps from bus drivers for some reason. I think it was a European city. I sat next to an ex best friend that I hadn’t spoken to in years. We pretended that we didn’t know each other and were meeting for the first time. Later I was on a bus with my roommate M. The bus was extremely long, around 6x the length of a normal bus. We were sitting at the back. The bus driver was acting erratic and refused to let us off at our stop, and didn’t let an old lady off either, saying “I’m not letting you off unless you’re dying!” My roommate M started to tell off the driver, arguing articulately but firmly that he had to let passengers off at their stop. The bus driver then abandoned the steering wheel of the moving bus and ran at full speed to M’s seat. He grabbed M by the lapels of their shirt and started shaking them above the aisle and yelling “ARE YOU DYING?!” M fainted from shock. I was so worried as they toppled to the ground since they are tall and it was a long way to fall. I didn’t want them to hit their head. I felt stuck to my seat and didn’t know what to do.