I become a drug dealer and kill the foreign exchange student in self defense at a elementary school

Date: 12/28/2019

By baburubān

Ok so I was watching this video billboard and it told a story about a very sick girl with cancer who took recreational drugs and died. I thought she was foolish. My brother Donnie asks me to become a drug dealer and he gives me the anonymous email of a guy who could get me started. I agree? Later into the night I break into a bank and don’t really take anything just hack the security cameras and jump out. My Dad drove me away and questioned whether or not I did it right. I argued that I did. My Dad then brings me to this elementary school that a few years ago a fourth grader came after hours and killed a security guard. For some reason the school thought this was cool and built a statue of the fourth grader holding the security guards head and body in a way that if there were passerby’s the 4th could wave the body guards hands around and pretend to be him. The fences were all painted with red blood splatters on it, and in the playground foam manikins with dismembered heads was imbedded into it. We’re all inspecting this stuff, my dad pulls a bikini top off one of the manikins and gives it to me. I’m under the playground structure and my dad is near a slide. I see this guy come from the left, from the school (in real life it’s the Italian foreign exchange student from my school) but he unfolds this big bag of automatic machine guns and chooses one. I hear a shot and my dad falls to the ground. Without the guy noticing I steal one of his guns and hide back under the play structure. My friend Hunter is there too for some reason, and the guy has a gun pointed to his head. I don’t know how a gun works so I’m struggling to get it to work. Right before he’s about to shoot Hunter I figure it out and I start shooting the guy. His blood goes everywhere, and his stomach tears open and his intestines fall on my friend Hunter. I run to them and help Hunter up. Hunter’s grossed out, I’m grossed out, and the ground turns into this cream of wheat looking color with dead flies, spiders, and ants the size of Huskies were imbedded into it. We both run back to my Dad’s car, and I’m crying because my Dad’s dead. Hunter tells me he’s not and I run back towards the dead body. My very much alive Dad is inspecting the shooter guy’s body. There’s a body bag next to him. The ground is normal. My brother Donnie who apparently died off screen and is now a ghost I guess possesses the shooter’s body, and we all talk about the rigor mortis process for a bit. Then I wake up.