Milk is just juice water (and a dream about ... a woman)

Date: 10/15/2019

By Iavas_Fael

When I woke up this morning the phrase, “milk is just juice water,” was being repeated over and over and over again in my head. It made a lot of sense to me for a minute. Imagine waking up and feeling like you’ve just discovered a great secret to life only to realize what exactly that “secret” you’ve been repeating is. But as to my dream: (I only started remembering more after I started writing this out) I was a waitress serving food to a man and a woman. Wanted to get a fork but there were none left so I haphazardly washed one that was sitting in a cup. I kept looking behind my back to make sure they didn’t see me. The restaurant was really small and completely empty (even the walls were stark white and bare) aside from the one table (oak, imagine a picnic table at a park) and the stainless steel kitchen appliances I was working on. It was kind of stressful being the waitress because I somehow knew the people were very rich and well-to-do, and I kept messing everything up. I feel like they were just sitting at the table, waiting for food, but weren’t talking to each other. Just staring ahead. The woman was wearing a red dress, and she had blonde hair. I think the man might have been balding and wearing glasses, wearing a black tuxedo. A lot of stuff happened but I am very fuzzy on the details. I mostly just remember the end. End of dream: was in woman’s POV, she talked about the deep meaning behind the movie Bambi, but the movie itself was different. There was some sort of Chinese hunter that was going around killing all the animals, and it had some sort of deep meaning. Back in my POV: I was making a fake dating profile online (actually using the same profile picture I would use in real life if I did that) and saw she had spent five hours searching on the website but was still single. I remember feeling bad for her and watching her walk down the road from my window. Sometimes it was like I was watching a movie of the woman’s life, but sometimes I was actually in the movie. I wondered if the author was feminist because I was told the book that the movie was based off was. There was also something where I saw LM Montgomery or thought about her or saw one of her book characters. Basically just a bunch of random stuff, but it was a lot better than the dreams I’ve been having recently lol.