Date: 5/9/2021
By DreamGirl1998
Dream 1: me and my family were rearranging/swapping our rooms around. My mum moved to my room and my dad to another room. Then my brother had to move into our bathroom for some reason??🤨 and the smell of the toilet was so bad. My mum was sticking up posters around her room. I helped her cello tape them. I then had a little dream about my old school and intermediate friends. I thought I had to go back to school but realised oh I’m actually 23 so why am I going back to intermediate 🥴🤨 they’re also hanging out with my fave teacher back then jamming out at her house, I was always jealous that she picked them as her favourites (she never said that but she didn’t have too) Dream 2: I’m sent to pick up this chick who’s a mermaid performer? But then I turn into her and I’m swimming in this lake trying to entertain the crowd and kids. There’s these little creatures around me swimming with me as well so it feels real. The show ends and Its back to her again the finance manager shows her how much she will make in a year doing this and it’s 4million dollars which I’m really buzzing out on. We then walk back home?? Dream 3: I’m at my job helping out with the day time shift, I’m handed a lab submission form to fill out so I do that. Can’t remember to much of this dream Dream 4: I’m at work, I think I’m about to leave my shift coz my friend is on shift. I’m helping do drug draws and stuff when I put a lid on some corticosteroid bottle. Apparently the lid is full of some other medication and leaks into the bottle by accident. My friend is like “what are you doing?!! It’s contaminated now” in a angry voice. I start sweating and panic saying omg I’m sorry I didn’t see that 😰😰 one of the other senior nurses notices and gives me a growling. I’m trying to hide my tears in this dream. Also someone close to me died in this dream so that’s my reasoning for the mistake apparently. I leave without saying bye to anyone (I always say bye) especially my friend as I’m angry at her for snitching. Then it morph into my last worst dream. Dream 5: Had a dream I was getting a disciplinary hearing from my job. In my dream I was eaves dropping on my boss and the higher up boss. Just for context I’m a vet nurse at an emergency clinic and my boss is super amazing and kicked back, she’s the best boss, in this dream she’s actually defending me. Anyways, the higher up boss is saying I’m thinking of letting (me) go, that I’ve been making a lot of mistakes on the job, she wants to fire me straight away but decides to give me progress meetings every week to see if I’m improving - my real boss is disagreeing saying good things about me but ultimately has to send through a text saying for me to come into a meeting with them today. At this point I blow my cover and they see me eavesdropping in the clinic I’m full on crying saying “omg can we just do it now” 😭😭😭 the higher up boss says okay and pulls out a piece of paper with points on what I’m doing wrong at the job. At this point I’m bawling my eyes out not even able to contain my tears and some of my coworkers come in and say hey yous should go in another room. So me and that boss do. The only thing she says is I can’t use the back door anymore to come in because the alarm keeps going off? And then I woke up sobbing with tears streaming down my face. Shit as dream.