
Date: 6/4/2020

By rachelwunderful

so i was there with tanner at first it was the purge basically, everything was on fire and everyone was killing everyone at first i was with tanner and we spit up for some reason and i was with brittany and jeannie and slick and benson. they pulled up to this house and she gave me a gun. there was a man in the house that came out and o tried to shoot him serval times he didn’t go down for very long. there was a kid in there that walked out after i shot the guy. i hugged the kid and told him to cover his ears and eyes the guy ended up attacking me after i hit him in the head with the gun, i was all out after i shot him so many times jeannie left her phone with me so i had no way to reach her tanner went and saw Ra and he ended up actually seeing him! sent me a pic and all, also he had printed out a voicemail i had left him. i’m still confused why tanner left slick, benson and i the whole time it was chaos. my heart is still beating a million times a minute