Date: 8/11/2019
By Juicy_Dreams
To start it off this dream was a soft lucid dream meaning i could control what i did but only such to what is possible to humans.So i was invited to a field trip to a HUGE mall with most of my 8th grade classmates and other people (high school) and where we had to arrive at was this huge field full of grass and mud. Nothing else happened except me just talking to some people and hanging out. Soon everyone had arrived and the managers of the field trip were ready to go. And so we left and i cant remember how we got there but we were there. The mall was just so beautiful and the sky outside was pink. So afterward we went somewhere (looked like a hotel lobby) and i cant believe why this was happening but, everyone one was having sex. Yes, everyone except me for some reason for that i watched others have sex in the rooms that they were in. People were having sex in the bathroom, in some pretty secluded places, and even the hallway. I guess i was a lookout and i notice what seemed like people calling the police. (This is where i had a chance to say something to the others because of it being soft lucid but I decided not to) And even the managers of the field trip were getting it on! I guess I decided to go into one of the rooms to watch some action and it was ok. These two were having sex in the closet and there were multiple people watching. I thought the girl was sucking the guy but i left because it was too dark and they took to long to start the show. And then i went across the hallway of the hotel (which looked beautiful might i add) into the mall (which also looked beautiful) I was just searching around the place since it was so huge looking inside all of the stores when we were called to meet at the entrance and then we would leave. But before i went to meet up with them, somethings happened. Nothing much all i did was see Clare and there was an outside part of the mall and I believe the mall was on a huge island on a cliff. And so i went out to the part where there was no roof and i looked outside and it was just too beautiful! The pink sky was gorgeous, there were an abundance of palm trees, and since the mall was on a cliff I could see the other islands and huge waters intervening between them. But when i was returning i noticed my mom and sister were there too! So i was talking to my sister about what had just happened and some lady notice me from the hotel and told my mom that me and a bunch of others were having sex. I told both of them that i was just watching and never partook in any kind of sex. Surprisingly, they both believed me and i passed the cafeteria and went to the entrance to leave. Then i arrived in my room (teleportation?) Like probably at 1:00 AM although it seemed like it was 7:00 PM when i was at the mall. Anyway i wanted to watch TV but literally every channel was on commercials for more than five minutes all at the same time! So i had enough and I decided to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate and yeah that’s pretty much it. (The reason why i say it was the best dream ive ever had is because i fully remembered it when i woke up and it was very interesting and full of depth, plus it was a pretty long dream which was cool.