Three different dreams in one night. Why do I keep having so many dreams, you ask? I have no idea

Date: 7/12/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I think I can remember most of it. I had three dreams: The first was where me, my brother, and my grandma, and a bunch of other strangers who were ‘villagers’ were living on this floating island. There was a definite sense of magic everywhere. For some reason I was in a cage- not bound or tortured or anything, just being held because I was possibly dangerous. I’m pretty sure it was because I found out I could use magic and the other villagers were worried bc they had a negative stigma around magic. I was being held next to two other girls who were there for similar reasons. Granny lived at the edge of the island on this small, separated place that had lots of beautiful flowers and giant gemstones growing everywhere, it was TOTALLY magical. The villagers all generally liked her. At some point I’m set free, probably because of granny, and then granny falls off of the edge of the island like the next day. Everyone is sad except for me and my brother, we know there’s still hope she’s alive. Skip over to granny’s perspective, she landed in a swampy area below the islands and something happens that if granny wants to 1) live, and 2) get back to the island, she must become a witch. Everyone on the island was scared of magic like I said before, and I got the feeling there was a negative prejudice against witches in general, so she’d have to hide the fact that she was a witch if she did become a witch to get back. Granny did end up becoming a witch to she could come back. Nobody noticed but me and my brother and we kept our mouths shut. Her hair had turned a pretty silver color (not gray: silver) and she had returned in robes of white draped over her normal clothes. Her eyes were silvery (but not in an evil way, in a homely, warm way) and her cheeks were rosier. She seemed to have a new, positive and calming aura around her as well. Then that dream ended. The second dream was just me and my brother. We were in a game/environment similar to Pokémon, on it was realer than a video game. We, ourselves (not us as characters but US) were there. It had a SAO (sword art online) feel because there were different lobbies that you moved to as you leveled up and beat each lobby. There might be an ice-themed lobby that you get to at level 5, a cave themed lobby when you get to 10- that sort of thing. Lobbies were like the spawning points for players. You could still go to lobbies below your highest one manually if you wanted to, but you spawned at the highest lobby you could automatically, and players didn’t generally go back down. Each lobby had a gazebo/small room area that was like a starting point. It had a small pad that you spawned on. Inside of the gazebo/building (which was themed according to the lobby) there was some basic checkpoint stuff: chests and storage boxes, a menu where you could access settings and stuff (which was like just a thing on the wall you tapped, since you were actually THERE in the game), a healing pad, and two maps. One map was of all of the lobbies, showing how far up you were. The other was of your specific lobby. Anyways, me and my brother were super high up, in a lobby that almost nobody else had reached. It was also super late, so we were pretty much the only ones in this lobby. It was nature-themed, and the main thing about it was the huge (and I mean HUGE) trees growing all around. They were like normal trees from lower lobbies that had been resized to be ten times as thick and twenty times as tall, so tall that some of the trees’ leaves and outermost branches disappeared beyond view into the sky. My brother and I were racing to the biggest tree, which was outside of the spawn building near the edge of the map, where a rare Pokémon/boss/whatever that we wanted was going to spawn. I only remember one conversation: I was telling my brother that we HAD to wait until night, so that all other players had left, so that only WE had the rare Pokémon/boss/thing. The third dream was like Who’s Your Daddy (the game) made into a ROBLOX mini game, only instead of the babies trying to kill themselves, the babies were trying to just escape the adults and hide from them and stuff and the adults were trying to capture the babies and put them all back into their cribs. It gradually turned from ROBLOX characters to real characters. With real people not avatars. There were two teams: ‘parents’ and ‘babies.’ Parents were large (or maybe normal sized) people who looked liked themselves. ‘Babies’ also looked like themselves, but super small. The game was situated in a house which was like a giant house to babies since they were so small. I was a baby. Each baby started with a rubber duckie life ring (like the ones you’d throw to someone who was drowning, only yellow and with a rubber duck head) that exploded when thrown. The babies got like a minutes head start. For whatever reason I REALLY didn’t wanna lose. I sped/speed-crawled through the house and ended up crawling through the vents into a weird metal room which had a long bar going across. I had to parkour/balance on the metal bar to get across to the other side of the room. I’m pretty sure there was lava underneath the bar. At the end of the bar in the next ‘room’ in the vents was a weird green circle that looked like a respawn point, it had a glowing green arrow in it and a translucent green bubble surrounding it. It was like a baby safe point: when I went in there, the parents couldn’t get me. However I think it had either a time limit or a downside or something where after 30 seconds you were pushed out and then there was a cooldown before you could use a bubble safety point again. Or maybe it was that if you stayed too long the parents would surround you. Anyways you still had to be on the move and couldn’t stay in the bubble forever was the point. At the end of the green bubble was a green line that led to an elevator. I remember the parents came in and I was running/crawling as fast as I could, it was super tense, I was chucking rubber-duckie-ring-bombs behind me as fast as they could reload, and I just managed to reach the safety point in time. When I went up the elevator I came up into a room full of elevators in lines, which went through a tunnel that led to an office area. I emerged from the tunnel into a secret compartment in a desk. There was a brunette parent in there and I was scared. Then another baby emerged next to me and we formed a plan. We would call the office phone and pretend like we had captured the brunette girl’s boyfriend, tell her to go to a certain area and have all her friends go in there as well. In the area we had a dozen or so babies waiting in the vents (which were everywhere on the ceiling in that room) with rubber-duckie-ring-bombs, and once the parents entered, we’d lock the doors from behind and launch like twenty bombs at them. Normally, the bombs were super slow and when you threw them, they blinked/beeped like ten times before exploding, so the parents would escape before they exploded. But if they were trapped in the room with a ton of duckie bombs then they couldn’t escape them. I woke up before we enacted the plan.