Date: 11/29/2018
By smparsons111
I dreamed that I was in a church with my wife. For some reason in this dream, me and my wife were much different. I was a player who was with 89 different women in my past, while my wife was a lot more dominating. She took me to the women's bathroom and asked me try to on a fancy dress. I tried to refuse but she basically forced me, so I started to, which horrified another church lady who was in that same bathroom at the time. Then we heard the sound of sirens outside. We looked outside, and there were tons of emergency vehicles that were stopped on this large road around the church. There were police cars and some small fire trucks. More and more kept coming. Eventually it looked like hundreds of emergency vehicles were stopped. And even through that madness, I still saw some regular traffic flowing through, some cars and some bikers. I wondered why the emergency vehicles were there, and I speculated that it may have been because of some fast driving I did in a roundabout earlier. I misread a sign, it said "slow" but I thought it said "rush".