Digital art 4k scene from a movie: During a visit to Donald Trump, a group of friends including the members from club 83 were present, when the FBI agents responsible for Trump's security became suspicious upon seeing the individual wearing Bose headphones to block out noise, resulting in them cutting the wires and checking their phone for any potential spy material recorded during the meeting inside the White House.

Donald Trump besøk og FBI.

Date: 8/30/2019

By monjanse

Jeg var på besøk hos Donald Trump. Vi var en hel gjeng sammen med hemma gjengen fra klubb 83. jeg hadde hodetelefonene med fra bose, og da de fra FBI som passet på Donald Trumps sikkerhet såg hodetelefonene mine og at når jeg sa at jeg bruker dem for å stenge ut lyd, ble de mistenksomme. De tok bose hodetelefonene og klippet ledningene i dem sont, og så på mobilen min etter om jeg hadde tatt opp spionasje materiale om Donald Trump mens vi møtte ham i et rom inni det hvite hus.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to be reflecting feelings of apprehension and suspicion. The presence of Donald Trump and the FBI in your dream may symbolize power and authority figures in your life. The fact that you are with a group from "klubb 83" may indicate a sense of loyalty or belonging to a certain social circle. The interaction with Donald Trump and the FBI could represent feelings of being scrutinized or monitored in some aspect of your waking life. The action of the FBI cutting the wires to your Bose headphones and searching your phone for espionage material may suggest a fear of being intruded upon or having your privacy violated. The setting of the White House further emphasizes the theme of authority and control. This dream may be reflecting underlying anxieties about your interactions with authority figures or concerns about your personal boundaries being encroached upon. Overall, this dream may be highlighting feelings of vulnerability, surveillance, and a need for protection. It could be beneficial to reflect on any recent experiences or relationships that may be evoking these feelings in your waking life. Consider whether there are any situations where you feel exposed or under scrutiny, and explore ways to assert your boundaries and maintain your sense of privacy and security.