Date: 12/7/2021
By AJacobs
On the run... it was at my work building supposedly. A group of 9 of us were running up the stairs. I was at the back locking all the padlocks as we passed through each gate. Then I sprinted past the others after a few so I wasn't at the back. We make it to the third or fourth story. Going through the hallway I open a few doors, a room and a bathroom as some others go past me. Through the next is a group of people I don't trust talking to my group. There's an ice chest on the ground that I'm afraid they'll shove us into. A tall guy is saying about food and water, I sprint right out back away, maybe one of them gives chase. Past where the staircase is the next corridor/room has the building name and double doors outside with a large wide ladder. A young woman is climbing up the top and says, "well you aren't as tall as us." My mind flashes thinking maybe the group back there was actually trying to save us from... large oversized people. But those were the same people we had ran from previously. As she clambers up and over the top I jump and flip over her, landing and grabbing the ladder rungs before clambering down. I make it to the bottom, there's a couple frightened and running past. I go to a Main entrance... maybe those people, who might've previously been enemies, maybe they were trying to provision us and get us out of there. And then I think I woke up...