
Date: 11/17/2019

By pyritemind

There was more to the story before i got to the school, but I cannot remember it. My and JLynn were in this school with old German architecture. We were going to classes and stuff, but I wanted to break out. I ended up getting out, and once I was outside I realized I had control. For some reason I didn’t realize I was in a dream, but I was willing things to happen. I started flying and swimming through the air. Eventually I got to what I think is like the center of my brain. It was this cove with all these colors, and a bunch of garage like openings. Each one was a different dream or place. I went through one and ended up on this beach. As I walked the coast, I looked across and realized it was a lake. There was openings on the cliff on the other side with torches and inscriptions around them. I came up to one of my coast, and everyone there welcomed me and already knew me. They showed me some TLC, until I think my fears manifested themselves and we had to fight them. We were fighting, but suddenly I came to the conclusion that they wouldn’t go away without reasoning and actually confronting them. Everyone stopped fighting, and I talked through it with them. They became my allies eventually, and joined the tribe. I said bye to everyone and went back into the gate I came from and back into my cove/brain space. I sat in there for a while just thinking, and started closing gates. Eventually I went back to school, and somehow they didn’t realize that I was the one who escaped. I went back with JLynn and had fun in class and eventually woke up.