The “hello” virus apocalypse

Date: 12/5/2020

By Lazy

It started with me playing the sims in the truck with my dad. I was in the passenger seat and he was driving. I was playing with this really cute couple, a guy with black hair and a beard, slightly chubby, and a girl with two appearances I had two different saves going. I can only remember the one where she looked like this girl who makes a lot of TikToks I like. She was white but she had a huge lilac Afro and tons of lilac clothes on, butterflies, she was pretty tall, hourglass figure, etc. At some point we pulled over and mom was going to trade dad in driving. For some reason I remember being in the drivers seat and asking “where’s dad” or “where’s dad going”. We were outside of the house where most of the rest of the dream takes place. From then on, I was the child of the sims I was playing with, but my mom character had reverted to this version of her where she had ugly straight blonde hair and she seemed kind of old. My new “dad” was upstairs doing work. I don’t remember much of what went on in the house before it got awful. A, hurricane? Came in? Idk the really wind and rain based one. I was outside at the time and “mom” told me to close all the windows. I went inside and the first ones I checked were really complicated to close and she kept shouting at me “good enough, go to the next one.” She kept saying that we should be at a military base instead of in our home for this kind of thing. At one point it went like back to sims mode as I reconstructed a cute bedroom downstairs for what I assume was now my toddler brother? It gets intense after this. We leave the house, and we’re in this large assembly. In front and to the right of us (relatively far away, maybe 12 feet? Maybe more?) was a crowd of people of all ages and backgrounds, but mostly white adults, wearing pink shirts with a black x on them. A government official was telling us about the outbreak of some disease. He was like “they’re calling it,” and most people in the audience said hello or called out the hello virus. Our friend Chêne was in the audience of people in pink shirts and she laughed and said they should just call it Chêne. I turned around to look at Allana because I thought she would find that funny, but she wasn’t there. Ocean was, though. I think Sophia too. The government official said it was deemed the hello virus. The tone was too happy, too sinister. I raised my hoodie over my mouth and nose to make like a makeshift mask, no one told us if it was airborne. Our group of uninfected people in the center was outraged, but as they we’re standing and shouting and demanding quarantine laws they started to chase us. I’m fleeing down the hallway and some of them aren’t just in shirts, they’re in dresses. And some of them don’t have x’s on their shirts, just pink shirts. I’m running and running as much as I can and I see Kleighton running too. I make a friend somehow during this process? I think this ties back to the sims part of things, I must have known them before. This old woman in a pink dress was chasing her and trying to bite her, we had managed to escape mostly but at one point the old woman fell on her and my friend had to tear her off. This incredibly fast fat lady in just a plain pink shirt kept running in front of us instead o chasing us, as if she was trying to corner us or back us up into a wall, and I declared “if one more pink bitch tries to touch us I’m going to fuck you up.” But my voice gave out half way through. Not for any particular reason, just a dream type thing. I was thinking about how I could hit her, foot to the stomach or tits maybe but she seemed smart and I was worried she’d grab hold of my foot and then I’d be fucked. Before I could make a decision on how to defend us from these crazy infected people, I woke up.