Exes, Amethysts, & Undead Warfare

Date: 7/26/2019

By Bex_CM

I remember running for my life. I knew I was dreaming and knew that if I could just wake myself up, I would be okay. So, I ran. I ran myself right into a pool because even in a dream, I knew I couldn't swim. I took in air, held my breath and hit the surface, and down I went to the bottom. Calmly. I watched the air bubbles rise to the surface and the distorted visions of what I was running from floated above me. Still, I remained calm and didn't fight it. As my lungs burned for oxygen, I opened my mouth to breath and woke up. The world had been taken over by this strange flesh eating virus. It didn't quite turn people into zombies but it had a similar effect without touching the brain. It seemed horrifying and painful to be fully conscious of what was happening to you. I couldn't stay there. I had this vivid sense of self in that large indoor pool, light streaming in through all the glass windows, with those rotting humans' haunted eyes watched me, envious that I wasn't yet infected. I remember hanging out with Amethyst. We were falling for each other but I knew I had a girlfriend. I loved her. But I was beginning to love them both. Amethyst's family could see it and they were ecstatic about it. I don't remember when it transitioned from her to the zombies but it was the same dream. Same world. I fell asleep with her on the floor, against a wall. I woke up with her but in her bed, still in dream, and just felt something was off. I remember guns and shooting. I killed most of her extended family since they came to visit and managed to not get shot as they were trying to kill me. I fought them - unarmed myself - and disarmed them to kill them with their own weapons. I fled. They had everything from pistols to AK's and I knew how to use them all thanks to being in the military. I left each weapon after shooting the respectful owner and after dismantling them enough that it would delay the next person who would think about grabbing it. I remember the virus showing first on the walls. Black veins like tendrils crept down from where the wall met the ceiling. That was the first sign. The second was the madness. The unbearable knowledge that they were dying that caused them to attack any non effect in the hope of the viruseaing them for the new host. The third was the flesh rotting off, the solemn acceptance that it wasn't going away but still not wanting to be alone in it. I remember being in a vehicle with Amethyst and her family. Two sisters, a mother, and a father. The backseat encircled itself so we were all facing each other. Amethyst pulled out a memory box. It was just a simple tin lunch box with a latch. Each sister had one. As she pulled out three little handmade felt dolls, her older sister pulled one out and recalled that they used to be so much closer. They would tell each other everything and those dolls were somehow a symbol of their bond. She said something about being glad that Amethyst was opening up to someone again (me) and even though it wasn't her, she would still be happy for her sister and would love her all the same. I remember Tacky. I walked in on my gf just casually hanging out with her ex and her ex's new "not" girlfriend. They were just playing games and smoking and having a good time. I sat down and started organizing the things on the coffee table just for something to do. Tacky kept trying to offer me things: the cigarettes I was arranging, the video game controller, etc. Everytime she did, I would get more upset that she was even there, much less talking to me. I would say no every time. It was a hard pass from me. But they just thought it was funny. Really hilarious. So when Jessie and her kissed, even just a quick peck and began cracking up, I blew a gasket. I stormed out because even just as a joke, it wasn't funny. At all. And I didn't appreciate being mocked.

AI generated interpretation This dream may indicate certain conflicts and struggles in your subconscious mind related to past relationships, desires, and fears. Running away from a threat in your dream suggests that you may have some fear or anxiety in your waking life that you are trying to avoid or escape. The sense of drowning may symbolize feeling overwhelmed or suffocated by certain internal or external pressures. The undead warfare in your dream may reflect some of your deepest fears or anxieties related to death, illness or loss. The flesh-eating virus represents a threat of a disease or an unknown danger that is rapidly spreading and infecting those who are vulnerable. The fact that you are not infected may suggest a feeling of detachment or disconnection from the people or situations around you. The presence of Amethyst, your girlfriend, and her family may represent your desire for love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Falling for Amethyst may indicate a certain attraction or admiration for her, despite being conflicted about your commitment to your current girlfriend. The fact that her family seems supportive of your relationship with her may reflect an external pressure to conform to certain family expectations, values, or beliefs. The dream may also reflect some of your past experiences in the military and your training in using guns and weapons. Disarming your attackers and fleeing away may suggest a feeling of empowerment and self-protection in the face of danger or adversity. The memory box and the handmade dolls may represent the importance of memories, relationships, and emotional bonds that we make throughout our lives. The fact that the sisters used to be close and are now separated by distance or other circumstances may suggest a longing for rekindling past connections and renewing emotional ties. Lastly, the presence of Tacky and her ex-partner may indicate some unresolved issues or feelings related to past romantic relationships, jealousy, or insecurity. Being mocked or laughed at by them may exacerbate those negative emotions and trigger an angry response in your dream. Overall, this dream may highlight some of your deepest fears, desires, and struggles, and may offer insights into some of the unresolved issues or conflicts that you may need to address in your waking life.