I Feel Like Chicken Tonight / Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner

Date: 6/5/2020

By Machman

I just know that a train was part of this dream. It seems to be my current recurring dream theme. I just can't remember much about how the train was involved other than waiting for a train to arrive on a platform as it is pulling in. I know there are other parts to it but it's gone. So what I do remember is being at an American Football game. However I am still on this platform. I am in the corner of the stadium where the fans of the team I want to win are gathered. I am not a huge fan of American Football (or Grid Iron, as I call it, as how can it be football if they don't use their feet other than for kick off, extra point after touch down and field goals, everything else is done with the hands? 🤔). However I do watch it from time to time and there are a few teams I like to see do well. The 49ers, the Jets, the Packers, the Eagles, the Broncos. I do not like the Patriots, the Giants, the Cowboys, the Bears and the Redskins. The place where I am standing is in the corner of the stadium where merchandise is being sold. The team I am rooting for have a chicken mascot, like the one on the front of the Kellog's Cornflakes packet (OK it's a cock. I didn't want to say cock but now that I've said it I might as well get it out my system. Cock cock cock cock cock 🐓. Who loves cock? Not me mate, I'm as straight as a die. But I just can't stop saying cock). OK where was I? Cock. No we're finished with cock and this is not an 18+ so gonnae stop saying cock? Sorry. I remember looking at the jackets in the merchandise section and our colours were red and white (just like KFC) so maybe our team was the Kentucky Fried Chickens (mmmmm Kentucky Fried Chicken 😋) but I only thought that one up just there. In the dream I only thought that it looked like the KFC logo. So I'm in this merchandise corner and a representative of the other team comes over. His job is to come over and wind us up with good humoured banter like "we're gonna fuck you guys up the ass" and other such well thought out witticisms. I remember thinking in the dream that our team have a guy at the other side of the stadium shouting similar things to their fans. Scene change. I am at a rock festival (on my own by the look of things). Iron Maiden are on stage so it's probably Download at Castle Donington but who can say? Suddenly I am sitting on the stage as the band are doing their "thang". They are playing Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner which is not a favourite of mine, being quite frank, and I am fairly sure that they haven't played it live in about 35 years! Regardless I can only remember two guys from the band being next to me on stage as it's a big old stage right enough. So next to me is Bruce Dickinson on vocals belting out this song and Nicko McBrain on drums. He is smoking a fag and has a wee tray above him to put his fag dowts (what we call cigarette butts in Glasgow) in. The song finishes and I am talking with Bruce about something or other. We walk off stage together and head down a set of stairs. The crowd has dispersed. The last thing I remember is that we are discussing his son who is called Paul and is 17 years old. I really don't think he has a son called Paul but he did in this dream. Addendum: I have just checked. Of course he doesn't have a son called Paul. That's far too dull for a rock star. He has 3 kids who are named Austin, Griffin and Kia. Personally I prefer Paul but I am biased in that regard.