
Date: 12/22/2016

By moonchild957

I really enjoy the anime Attack on Titans, and I love Greek mythology so I gotten a book on just Titans. I read almost all of it within the day I got the book from my mom. Well I fell asleep like anyone would, and I dreamt that I was in my 3rd hour class of last year. It was normal, we all were just drawing in the class, then the bell rang to go to lunch. Almost everyone raced out, I stay back like I usually did to see my friend. Right when I walked out the class and through the double doors I seen the people that were running and I laughed a bit hoping that one of them would trip. It was something worse than that, that has happened. A large hand came down and grabbed those who were running, everyone screamed. I looked in awe and total fear. Everyone ran, some ran back in the wing and right to the class. I felt tears stream down my face as more hands came down and grabbed those who I have known, barely knew, and didn't know at all. I suddenly ran, dropped everything, I didn't care at all. I kept on running, I wanted to get to the 100 wing where my friend was or I hoped she would be. Tears blurred my vision, more people gotten swooped up, I looked up and seen. I seen the face of a Titan smiling right down at me, I froze. My eyes widen as more tears fall, I shook it off and kept running. Titans trying to grab me from left to right, people's screams getting silenced by a following crunch by the creatures. Blood was everywhere, some people accepted fate and just dropped to their knees crying. I blocked all that out and races to the wing, I opened the door and quickly shut it, I ran all the way to the end of the hall and opened the door to her class. It was terrible, a complete blood bath followed by the sun's light shining on everyone and thing from the crashed in roof. There she lies, I walked over in disbelief, stepping on others without care. I then started crying and hugged her dead body. I never liked her as a friend, I loved her as a girlfriend. I was torn, I looked at a shard of glass, I grabbed the glass and pressed it at my throat. Then one quick jerk sliced the skin and I felt the blood pour out, I wake up. I was drenched with sweat and catching my breath while desperately searching for my glasses, then looked outside, it was a pretty day, especially to know I was still alive.