Space traveller

Date: 5/31/2018

By sofster02

I started off in a dreary room (I can’t remember if anyone was with me). There’s this button on the wall and I press it. I magically teleport to space and am floating around, darkness and stars surrounding me. I realize that whatever planet I think of, I teleport to. Not on the planet, but floating over it. I visit Jupiter and Mars and see my mother at one of them. I say “hi” and then float away. I realize that I probably shouldn’t visit Mercury and Venus because they’re too hot and will burn me alive, so instead I go to Saturn. When I teleport, I end up inside the rings of Saturn. The rings were like millions of stars compacted together and it was beautiful. It looked like I was drowning in sparkles. When I wake up, I have this feeling of pure joy and calmness.