Corrupted happy memory

Date: 10/20/2020

By xCaligo

This dream is somewhat reoccurring, or least the premise is. My family buys back my childhood house and moves in. The woods are exactly the same way we left them. Its like living in a memory except that there’s a weirdly odd ammount of homeless people that now live in the yard and more just randomly pop up. We’ve asked them to leave, but they don’t believe us when we tell them that we actually own the place. There are also tons of other people that swing by on a daily basis, usually shadier people, that will drive into our driveway claiming that this is their house and then try to either ram their cars into us or damage the house. Its like we are getting gaslit by tons of people. When we actually produce a copy of the deed saying that we own the place, its crusty and decaying as if the things around us are somehow tied to its condition. Even then, the squatter and claimed owners have tryed many times to steal steal the rotting document. In previous dreams like this I’ve been relatively peaceful and I’ve tried to be diplomatic about explaining things, but I sort of gave up in this one. I started demading they tell me why they’re here and then threaten to throw rocks and things at them if they don’t leave. I threw a rock at the windshiled of this one guy that had rammed into the house. He of course retaliated and began to throw his own arsenal back at me. He Almsot hitting a homeless women beside me who was trying to subtly flirt with me. I was honestly horny enough (and sort of subconsciously knew that this was a dream) to take her up on her advances and fuck her. I didn’t though. The house was a bigger deal, even to dream me. There was another homeless lady on the east side of the house jusy sitting there almost trash talking me ironically as there was quite a bit of trash around her for inspiration. I was tired of explaining that we lived here. I pulled out the powdery decayed papers and her eyes got wide and she tried to lunge for them.It was easy enough to push her away. I was drawing a croud from the other members of my family as well as the two guys in cars and a couple other homeless people. This was pretty much the terminus of the dream although there were some other details that I haven’t mentioned. At the beginning and kind of unrelated my. Mom was driving a pickup truck down the highway while I clung to the exterior of the cab. The beginning of this actual segment, my mom found a really worn down mountain bike frame with some parts on it that looked like they had been submerged in a pond or something for a long time. I had planned of trying to take what was left apart to clean it and maybe give it to my dad to ride once it was usable again. As I was working on the bike, the first car came by and I got annoyed and flashed him the finger (awkwardly because it was my left hand and for some reason my fingers don’t quite let me do that (thats a reality thing too, not just in the dream). I threaten to throw a metal water bottle cage at him and he eventually backs out of the driveway. I feel like this would be a supercool story premise. It sort of reminds me of the end of inception with the corrupted memory that cobs wife lives in. Like a depressed main character shuts out the world and starts living in a memory of a past part of their life when they were happy, with the setting exactly as it was, but weird events start happening, like the memory getting corrupted and eventually the happy memory gets so distorted and painful that its unbearable and the person returns to reality.