Digital art, In the first dream, a person is seen falling from above the clouds, trying to save themselves by maneuvering towards tall buildings; in the second dream, the person finds themselves being investigated for selling drugs along with others, possibly including a teacher; in the third dream, the person is on stage giving a presentation with their cat Smokey, who becomes frightened and climbs the stage curtains, causing amusement among the audience; and in the fourth dream, the person is working on the Colbert show, responsible for keeping Colbert's giant monster dog calm, and later experiences a critique from Colbert on their performance.

Control, Consequences and Stage Fright

Date: 2/9/2022

By nateplusplus

Dream 1: I was falling from above the clouds, jetting toward the ground below. “Wow I’m going very fast, this is bad,” I thought. In a quick effort to save myself, I positioned my body’s wind resistance to steer closer to some tall buildings. The hot air rising from the concrete created a thermal, which helped me to slow down enough to land on a top ledge. “Whew, that was close” — Dream 2: I was being investigated for selling drugs, along with a couple other people- I think one was a teacher? — Dream 3: I was on stage, giving a presentation with my cat Smokey. He was very freaked out about the crowd, but I calmed him down by petting him slowly and holding him tight. He was ok for a while, until he spotted a string of shiny beads. He launched out of my arms and climbed the stage curtains like a crazy wild cat. Everyone chuckled as I stood there trying to figure out what to do about it. — Dream 4: I was working on the Colbert show! I had the role of watching his giant monster dog and keeping it calm during the show. There was a story about a special ring that can track your precise location anywhere. Later, I was doing Colbert’s dishes. He was playing back the episode we just shot to lecture me on my performance. “Jesus Nate!” He said, angrily. Apparently I was moving too much when on camera and it was very distracting.