Woke up crying to this one

Date: 1/5/2021

By bluhamster123

Had a dream that we were in some sort of dictatorship that decided to take over every child’s lives and basically turn them into mindless drudging slaves that go about the day doing work without realizing or remembering who they are and live in glass bubbles and wake up every day at 2 pm to do work and every day is the same. And I realized this and try to break out and I start thinking once they morph our bodies into complete submission they transfer our minds to fake bodies and kill our real bodies or something because I couldn’t find mom or dad and I start freaking out bc I think they’re dead but then I find mom just hiding and chilling and I’m like wtf??? And she explains that she had to choose with the government bc all children were being changed to this program so parents needed to choose seven years in advance that their child should either go into this program or they’d be killed instantly so mom chose this but I told her I’m miserable and I’d rather die. But at the same time I really don’t want to die and I don’t know what to do because there’s no options for me so I’m just sobbing as I’m preparing for mom to kill me because that’s the best case scenario before some high up official finds out I’m fighting the system and brutally slaughters me. Mom is probably gonna a quick and painless method but I’m sobbing too hard hysterically and then I wake up.