Moonlit beach

Date: 11/6/2016

By Larss91

Almost every time I have a lucid dream, I come to realize it at this damn beach. The moon is bright as hell but it's still dark. However I can see everything bright as day. There are these bunkers/docks that are seemingly easy to get too, however every time I tried, the stupid tide comes in. Although I know that if I ever touch the water(which I have before) I start to slide on it like Ice and then my heart starts to rush reallllll crazy and my adrenaline pumps and I wake up. It's a beautiful view, and I know when I'm there that I'm lucid. But no ones with me. And I'm all alone. It's bittersweet I guess. Also up beach gets crazy (d-day gunner boxes and metal x bars in the ground[see "saving private Ryan" for details]) they say that dreams speak loud about your inner self. I wish I could draw the beach to show y'all! Still pretty difficult to achieve lucid, thinking about trying the beach image while trying to sleep to induce it. I'm all ears for suggestions or opinions on the scenario or even the help on achieving lucid!