Date: 3/31/2023
By Jacker44
The dream started with my company and I landing on a beach in Vietnam. It was set during the Vietnamese war, but some things were modern. Immediately we came under fire, my men started falling left and right. Into the trees I yelled. We ran into the trees for the protection of the foliage. It was super dark in there, a whole other world, the sky was dark now, trenches covered a burned and scarred earth, smoke filled the air, small fires flickered everywhere. Every now and then a bullet would fly by in the air. We stayed low. We started making our way, the flamethrower took the lead, this guy, Axle, had a few screws loose, he loved fire and was not afraid of anything. He cleared the trenches, I led a group of men behind him. Suddenly a man grabbed my shoulder sounding delirious, I thought he was part of the Viet Cong and I put a gun to his head. He said a message from the general had come in telling us to head the other way, to an American outpost and hold down. I gathered everyone and we turned around. We kept our heads down, anyone who stood too tall was shot at, it was unnerving. We arrived on the outskirts of the American settlement, however to get in we had to clear a few buildings first. I took up near the rear, I was now protecting 3 kids somehow. They were all girls, maybe 13–14, if felt like they were my friends kids so I felt a strong obligation to protect them. We start clearing this super tall building floor by floor but everyone’s nerves are high. Suddenly everyone just breaks into a panic and begins sprinting as hard as they can to get to the top, to safety. The girls and I are left behind and I’m sprinting up the stairs with them. It feels like someone is chasing us down, impending doom. We make it up though, somehow. Some time has gone by and we are just chilling at the American settlement. It’s like a full fledged small city, roads, restaurants, beaches and hotels. I’m walking around with my girl friend or platonic friend, hard to tell in the dream, we go to a pancake shop and a pool. However I’m walking around and get word there is three undercover enemies in our city who are after me. I notice them but act like I don’t to stay hidden in the crowds. Now I have to ability to super jump and not take fall damage so jumping around is really fun. I need to find the general to ask for backup to help protect me. I find him but he’s just chilling on this ledge of a building stupid high up. I jump up hundreds of feet and grab onto a pipe. I talk to him and he says no, I’m on my own now. I let go and fall gracefully back down. The dream ends with the tension building and me getting ready to fight the enemies.