
Date: 2/20/2020

By LaurenTheFierce

So I was out with my friend Natalie at a park when all of a sudden a man came up to us. He asked a simple question. Natalie answered it, but then proceeded to keep talking to him. As we then began to walk he decided to follow us. Natalie wouldn’t stop talking to him either. This worried me. I was concerned he had an evil motive of some sort. Regardless, we soon arrived at Natalie’s home. It was really weird. Essentially we entered a big building. Other families lived in it too. Off to the side there was a communal living area. All the bathrooms were in the back too. Lastly, there were the personal living quarters. Now imagine a wall of filing cabinets. However, instead of draws it’s little circular doors. Natalie’s house was the bottom right door. The man then opened the tiny door, but only Natalie and I went inside. Her family was there waiting for us. Gosh I was really worried that the dude was gonna kill us or something, but I guess not. Anyways, this is where things get trippier. You see the house was quite a bit bigger on the inside than a filing cabinet obviously. It was still very small though. At first I found that there was enough room for me to just barely be able to stand up. As I walked further back into the room though the ceiling got so low that I needed to crawl to get around. Then I got to the very back of the house. I found a couch. I really wonder how it got there. Anyways, I then tried to leave cause the ceiling came down even lower. It was basically pushing against my back as I tried slithering to the door. Next thing I know I wake up completely drowned in all of my blankets. I guess that kinda explains things. Maybe... When I fell back asleep I found myself at my mom’s house. My mom then gifted me some clothes. Putting them on it turned out to be a cool star wars cosplay costume. I was now Ahsoka Tano from my favorite cartoon series. Clone Wars rules. There was something off about the costume though. It had this weird shoulder piece that Ahsoka didn’t wear. The clothes were also a bit fancier and of different colors too. Weird. Next thing I know I’m at school... In normal clothes though... To be more specific I was in my anatomy classroom. However, the class was biology. My teacher had fish tanks set up in the room. Splitting the class up into group of three, my partners and I where then assigned a fish tank. My friend Liam also seemed to be in the class; though he isn’t irl. Anyways, my group then set up our fish tank. Water, plants, fish and all. The fishies were strangely colorful too. My guess is that they were topical. All of a sudden I hear a clamor going off in the hallway outside of the classroom. It’s singing. All the students are then pulled out of class and told to sit along the walls of the halls. As I sat with some friends a little show commenced. When the singing was over my old crush Tristan who was a part of it then came down to sit by me. As I reached out to kinda touch his shoulder though, his friends who were also a part of the show pulled him away to go sit further back. Shucks. Oh well. The singing then turned into a lightsaber battle. Some of the singers who didn’t sit down ignited plastic lightsabers. They began to play fight. I was low-key kinda weird. It was also low-key kinda cool. I don’t know. Regardless I then had to go back to class not to soon after. When class went back to normal my group’s tank was then spotted to be empty. All the water had leaked out somehow. Liam commented on this but I don’t remember what he said. Immediately my group got to action to save our fish. There was a cup of water next to the tank. So, I quickly went and found a fish scooper thingy. However, by the time I’d found it one of my teammates had filled the tank a decent amount. The fish began to swim again. My other teammate then spotted where the leak was coming from and fixed it. Everything was aye-ok. Suddenly an announcement then sounded in the classroom. It was a call for all cross country kids. I guess I had a meet today. Together Liam and I then left the classroom together. We headed for either the front of the school or the bus loop. I can’t remember. Either way we found the bus, got on, and showed up at the meet. It was weird too, but I don’t exactly remember why. Oh well.