
Date: 10/28/2021

By aflamia

First I dreamed that I was in the back seat of my moms car which drove off automatically. I had my big fuzzy grey coat on the is now ruined and tried to pull the break from the back seat but the car still tried to kill me . I thought I woke up right before it sped up and I was about to die . But when I woke up I was still dreaming and I was trying to tell Ashley Durand about that dream and we were driving through stafford looking for my mom. Then I saw a giant tornadoe. We were freaked out a d kept driving. There were mini tornadoes everywhere. We saw native Americans and women in old fashion dresses getting knocked over and swept up by them. We then we’re on foot running through buildings. Finally found mom and she was calm. I started looking for a bathroom since I had to pee.