Date: 9/13/2017
By xoe
Backstage event at some Bohemian collective place. Has a kitchen, and one step down to the green room. Minimal furnishings. Lots of books. I tell Jody Foster that I loved her book. Flattered, she asked which one? The one on the table. But she didn't write it. Embarrassed. Time to go. We each jump down to separate open cars on a passing train. The car is a comfortable beige plastic. Lying down, enjoying the adventure. Small mirrored tiles, still wrapped, not shiny. I collect them. Missed my jumping off point. Now train is above water. Mountains in the distance. I don't know how I'm going to get off this train. Some men scavenging on a buoy. One falls in. The other one can't see him. I get his attention, he calls in a boat to save his partner. They rescue me from the train too. Sort of wake up. Hypnagogic. Orange. I am Inanna. Snakes shooting out of my body. But know that I am sleeping. Try to see my hands and raise them astrally. I can feel them raising and that my physical arms are still on the bed. But I can't see them. And I can't get out of my body. Just enjoy the passing images.