Luna In The Drain

Date: 3/27/2020

By meeuhduh

*I talk to text my dreams when I wake up so I don't forget so FYI sometimes I do editing sometimes I don't* -----  Dream: Chris's girlfriend Madison and I were hanging out at the beginning of the dream that part was super big but vague  I do remember hanging out with Madison and I remember going to work I know I was begging this company to let me keep my job even though it was making me uneasy there were florescent lights I felt sick.. There was this this Djinn after me to pay for someone else's like spiritual debt who worked there so something mystical like that.  (That seems obv reference to my old job but idk what the Djinn Demon thing means) I just said just to take me if you if it means for all this bullshit to be over and I was on a mattress I laid down on this mattress which started floating up I just closed my eyes and expected to be taken to a cell or room of some type in the Djinn's/Demon realm  It didn't seem evil evil but it was dark and it was cold like quiet and then suddenly one of my co-workers was an angel or she turned into one and she spiked the mattress down from the sky like using an insect glaive (spear type weapon) vaulting spike move in Monster Hunter (video game I play a lot) I remember being in a hospital recovery center and I didn't feel like I had anything to come back to my friend Alicia she came to visit me and she gave me a huge hug and it made me slide off the hospital mattress and then I got up on my feet. Last part that I remember is that was in this big house that was living with like two or three other people I'm not really sure who they were if it was Alicia or I don't know or Madison but there was three cats there was my cat Mono my cat Luna and one of the roommates cats who was also black like Luna but she had slightly longer hair Somehow the dream continued into Luna jumping into the sink and that house was big old suddenly the sink like flushed or something It seemed to flush like a toilet and I don't know what made it do that  I was I think I was putting on the water so that she could drink cuz she likes to drink the drips from from a faucet and so the sink flushed I went scrambling to find a roommate and she reminded me of like a version of me or my mother if she was a trucker just like older just a few years older woman than me or maybe like up to 10 years older I can't really trust her she was rough around the edges I told her I needed some big ass wrenches so I could undo the plumbing from under the cupboard of this flushing sink cuz I had I had to hope that Luna was fine The lady told me that she could try this method of getting her out and it was like a blowtorch or something to open up the pipes it's something I don't know for some reason it made sense in the dream but she was going to use this blowtorch type thing. She'd put it down into sink and I said no wouldnt that just that would just kill her if she's if she's drowning she's stuck if she's in the plumbing and the lady was like well I mean the odds of her being alive are really low and I was so devastated so I told her I made her do a Google search how do you save your car who got flushed or sucked into down the sink or whatever when the likelihood it showed up for her being alive was like what you'd see in Google reviews, in the Star format.  It reviewed likelihood of her being dead and it was like almost four out of five like your cat's dead and I was like we have to try anything I'll try the blow torch cuz it will at least help her from drowning so she can die faster. The feeling was horrible. I woke from this nightmare crying. I brought the woman and I was taking her up to the bathroom where Luna had flushed herself in the sink turn all of a sudden I saw a black cat playing around. The downstairs roommates cat I knew was black and shiny so I didn't want to pet her but still was like looking at the fur look to see if it was the roommates cat with the longer hair because I wished it was Luna...  I was so I was so devastated and then I saw I saw there were two black cats they're playing with and Mono was playing too I looked I said oh my God it's Luna and I took the one when I start petting the one that I thought was Luna she was still wet from the sink and I could tell that she was injured from some purple indicator above her It was her it was my baby. I knew it, she crawled her way through she knew what to do to get back out of the sink I'm back home to me but I pet her and she was still wet I can feel like maybe that her ribs are broken or something I was getting ready to take her to the vet but I was so relieved I woke up very abruptly at 4:30 a.m. and this is pretty much all I remember is dream or nightmare