2 ex girlfriends and my current girlfriend

Date: 8/6/2020

By momoney6628

This will be vague as I don’t remember all of the details. It starts with me in the hull of this ship going through a massive storm in the middle of the ocean. The waves are gigantic and we are literally driving through water spouts. I was nervous at first but I had faith that this ship would hold up. Next I am with my one of my ex girlfriends. We’re in a room talking and her face looks slightly different almost as if she had nothing to hide so she was showing her true self. Next I am with another ex girlfriend of mine and she wants us to date each other again. For some reason I start dating her again while I’m still dating my current girlfriend. It didn’t feel like an agreement to date again, it felt more like I ‘gave in’ or something. I could not come to terms with why I started dating this girl since I was already in a relationship but I knew I had to tell her the truth. Before I could I had all of her friends tagging me in photos with my current girlfriend telling me there going to tell my ex girlfriend and current girlfriend what’s really going on; how I’m dating both of them at once. After that I woke up drenched in sweat & anxiety thinking I just ruined the best relationship of my life. I fall back asleep and re-enter the dream. I’m still dating both of them and we’re now in a room together. My current girlfriend is sitting on a desk with a green shirt, jeans, and brown boots—right in front of my ex girlfriend. Neither knows I’m dating both of them and my current girlfriend leans in and kisses me. After she kisses me she leaves my point of view and my ex girlfriend hands me a sort of love note. I’m too nervous to read it in front of them so I put it in my pocket. After this I’m driving home while my ex gf goes out to a club. While I drive by the club she’s going to I’m looking for her standing in line to see if she’s kissing anyone. I finally drive passed the very end of the line and see her standing there talking with some people. After that I got a text from her that said “Haven’t I told you I love you a million times?” Almost as if she was reassuring me she won’t cheat again and I have nothing to worry about. After this I get in a car and go to the gym. Except I got in the passenger seat while the car drove itself. It had just rained and the roads were wet. The car I’m in is getting onto the highway and I quickly realize we’re going to fast. As it’s merging we start to hydroplane across the entire highway and where we smash through and concrete barrier and my car flies through a forest of trees and lands right in front of a StateFarm building. I get out and my friend Logan is there asking what happened. I told him my car was driving itself and he tells me that “self-driving cars don’t exist yet”. He also says I need to “stop being so ancy because people are watching”. I told him “okay I will calm down.” And then I woke up

AI generated interpretation In this dream, it seems that the central theme revolves around relationships and the fear of juggling multiple romantic partners. The turbulent ship ride and stormy sea can symbolize a sense of chaos, uncertainty, and emotional turbulence in your life. It suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed or out of control in some aspect of your relationships. The presence of your ex-girlfriends in the dream represents unresolved feelings, memories, or unresolved issues from past relationships. Seeing one of your ex-girlfriends revealing her true self suggests a longing for authenticity and sincerity in your current relationship. This could indicate a desire for honesty and transparency in your romantic connections. The dream takes a complicated turn when you find yourself dating your ex-girlfriend again while being in a relationship with your current girlfriend. The internal conflict arises when you struggle to come to terms with your actions and feel the need to tell the truth. The anxiety and fear of getting caught or ruining the current relationship manifest through the fear of the friends revealing the truth about your double dating. The second part of the dream shows you being torn between both girlfriends, as they are together in the same room. The kiss from your current girlfriend and the love note from your ex-girlfriend may represent conflicting emotions and desires. It highlights the struggle to make a decision between the two and the fear of hurting someone or being betrayed. The scene where you drive by the club to check if your ex-girlfriend is kissing anyone reflects your need for reassurance and trust. It implies a fear of infidelity and a desire to ensure that your ex-girlfriend remains faithful. The self-driving car in the dream may symbolize a loss of control or a sense of going along with the flow without actively participating or making your own decisions. The accident and destruction it causes may represent the consequences of not taking charge of your romantic life and allowing circumstances to control the outcome. Your friend Logan's comment about people watching and urging you to calm down suggests a fear of judgment and a need to maintain a certain image or reputation. Overall, this dream highlights a conflict within yourself regarding loyalty, honesty, and making choices in your romantic relationships. It may be beneficial to reflect on your feelings, desires, and values to gain clarity on what you truly want in a relationship and how to navigate the complexities of multiple partners.