Vaseline and juul

Date: 3/14/2018

By alexwolfycat

I had a dream that a kid in my class had a bowl of Vaseline and ate some and asked if anyone else wanted to try and a girl in my class took a piece and ate it with her gum inside. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed. I was gagging and laughing rly hard. I ran out of there (we were at the mall) and coughed out my gum and continued laughing. I told like 5 other friends at the mall what happened I was in my room and my mom had my juul in her hand walking around cleaning my room and i had just bought two more and they were in bags on the closet floor and she was like what’re those and i was like nothing. She didn’t check but i thought she already knew, it was scary. [in my sleep i started acting out my dreams and swinging my elbow without realizing until my sis woke me up and i was very confused]