Big storm & Copyright

Date: 10/24/2022

By clointoronto

A huge storm passed through Toronto. I finally get into a large building downtown, I state the winds are so bad that it’s likely to topple buildings over. Then I look outside and notice a building toppling over, however, it bounced back up to its original structure. But as I keep looking out, I start seeing dogs jumping off of the balconies. Everything eventually stops and I head outside where I see they were trying to finish up the Pride parade. I get into work and finish up a contract. I go downstairs in an elevator and it wasn’t working properly. We thought we were going to be in some trouble cause it was acting very strange. It didn’t break. I get out of the elevator to go to my desk and I’m stopped by the person that sits next to me. He says my contract I made up was copyright from another contract. I had to go through my instructions to provide to them that the instructions told me to copy and paste the info for each contract. 🤷‍♀️