Notes 2.0

Date: 2/8/2018

By KittyKookiez

•About a little over half a year ago, I had a dream where I was a monster. I also had a notepad, with the following words: "Worst days of my life -April 10th, 2017 -January 8th, 2018" This dream happened in the summer, past April. It was correct about April 10th. That was one of the worst days of my life. But it could have been more accurate (April 6th, 2017). When January 8th, 2018 came around, nothing bad happened. Nothing worth being called one of the worst days of my life. Nothing bad around the 8th happened either. But, if it counts, the birthday of the person who caused April 6th to be one of the worst days of my life is on the 10th, something I remembered on the 20th of January. Ten days later. •Ever since last year, in a dream not published, I had decided to challenge myself: kiss all of my real life best friends (or ex-besties). The first person was not a BF, but they were pretty chill. They were dubbed "Grey". Here is the original list (I replaced their names as colors to protect their privacy): -Dark Blue✔ -Green Red✔ -Light Blue✔ Here is the new list: -Dark Blue✔ -Green -Red✔ -Light Blue✔ -Brown✔ -Teal -Orange✔ Literally just last night, I had a lucid dream. Originally, I had chosen to do it with this person dubbed "White," but figured it would be too weird (even for me). I'm starting to not like that person. For me to then kiss them in a dream, even if it's a dream, is going to stick with me and make me feel embarrassed. Green is hard to get because I barely talk to them, meaning I'd likely have to force them to appear in a lucid dream, rather than them already being there, and lucid dreaming doesn't always guarantee I can control the dream...That happens like, 1/6 times. Lucid dreaming is even more rarer than that. •If anybody read my last Notes, called "Just Notes" (July 28th, '17), you will notice I had some other goals. Here is the list, as well as a summary of the success: -Try to read (success ✔) - I can read perfectly fine. Remembering it is a different matter. -Conjure up items/people (success ✔) - They became my slave ;) -Ask people you know irl logical questions in your dreams (unsuccessful ❌) -Ask people in your dream if they know they are dreaming (success ✔) - Had two instances: one person congratulated me, another person said they were aware they were in a dream. -Kill yourself (success ✔) - I fell into a dark abyss. This ended the dream, and I had no other dreams afterwards. -Try to kill other people (untried) As you can see, the only difference here now is 'Try to conjure up items/people,' being noted as success, because I honestly forgot about this list. •Now that I've remembered, I'm going to try doing the rest again. But I've only got 2 diff things so...any suggestionsss?