Downtown Rock Island

Date: 5/9/2023

By hellbound

I was in downtown Rock Island. I was taking a bus to my old apartment. There were a bunch of people on the side of the street, they looked like they were homeless. I got off the bus near Augustana College. I went to the side of the street where there were no homeless people. A very old man came up to me, he was shorter than me. He said he'd like to buy me a beer or some alcohol, so we started walking toward The District. We went walking past a bunch of bars, but he had no interest in going into them. He said he had to get some money from his father, who lived on top of the hill. We went up the hill, and a car stopped by and threw some money out, and a carton of cigarettes. The man gave me a pack out of the carton. He apologized they were generic. We went walking again, except he wanted to go over to the Iowa side. There was a glittering skyline, with skyscrapers. It didn't look like Davenport. We walked over the old I-74 bridge. We got to downtown Davenport, which wasn't right, it should have been Centennial Bridge. There were a bunch more homeless people around. I wanted to go to the casino, but the old man was still looking for bars. He said he had $6. I was getting tired of his indecision, so I went walking around. I came across a pack of Camel cigarettes and picked them up. The area where the bars were looked like some kind of huge tourist area. I ran into the old man again, I gave him his cigarettes back and said I found a pack on the ground. He said we have to go into the Sixes bar, because they wanted to take my picture. I said no and walked away, trying to find a bus back home.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, the setting is a downtown area with a lot of homeless people present. This could symbolize feeling a sense of chaos or instability in your waking life. Your old apartment represents a past or familiar place in your life that you are trying to get back to. The old man who buys you alcohol may represent a desire for guidance or comfort during challenging times. The fact that you are walking towards an area with skyscrapers and a glittering skyline could symbolize a desire for success or a better future. The homeless people in the dream may represent a feeling of being disconnected from others or a lack of social support. The sixes bar may represent a feeling of being trapped or confined in a situation you do not want to be in. The overall theme of your dream may be a desire for change or moving on from a challenging situation.