Long dream about a long day at work

Date: 3/9/2025

By Ether_Erebus

I’m at work but the layout of the labs are a little different. Initially, I was with friends and we were making something or prepping something for a class we’re teaching. These were people from Smosh (YouTube channel). It was weird but we were doing that and then I had to leave to go back to my lab. When I got to the lab, I was sitting. In the slide scanner room with Zahra, Harashdeep and Loren and they were all asking questions about something. At the same time, Iva walked in and asked me a question and I answered and she said “oh, okay, I see what you mean”. And then a bunch of construction people kept coming in and out of the room and I started chatting with them while using the slide scanner. Then something spilled on the table so I got up to clean it because it was bothering me. Zahra said “I already wiped it” and I told her “but it’s still sticky, look” and I touched my finger to the table and it was sticky and she said “oh okay, hand me the hard drive” and I cleaned it with ethanol until everything wasn’t sticky anymore. And then I woke up.