Digital art, A group of people hiding in beans during a storm at an event, with lightning striking outside and they all seem to be having a good time despite the circumstances.

Hiding in dry beans

Date: 9/23/2022

By PandaPuff

Gracie woodcock set up a pro-life booth? I got in and was arguing with her. I left to get pro-choice stickers but I was on top of this mountain thing and it was windy and I was trying to collect moths?? Alyssa was nearby. Some kind of storm at some event, like at the Monterey station, and everyone had to hide in beans and I thought it was fun . Apparently the beans helped against lightning

AI generated interpretation Based on the information you have provided, I can interpret your dream in the following way: The first part of your dream where you were arguing with Gracie about the Pro-life booth may indicate your inner conflicts or struggle between your convictions and beliefs in a particular issue. Perhaps you are feeling the need to express your opinion but still unsure how to verbalize it. Your desire to get pro-choice stickers in the dream may indicate your desire for freedom of thought and expression. You may feel that there is a certain limitation or barriers that hinder you from speaking out. The act of collecting moths suggests a desire to seek knowledge and wisdom. Alyssa's presence near you may indicate that you are looking for guidance and support from someone you trust. The second part of your dream, where everyone had to hide in beans from a storm, suggests that you are facing uncertainty and feel the need to take refuge in something familiar or safe. The beans could represent your intuition or the valuable lessons and experiences you have acquired over time. The storm can represent a significant event or change in your life that can be challenging or overwhelming. However, the dream suggests that by relying on your inner wisdom and by seeking guidance from trusted individuals, you can weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side.