Breaking up with boyfriend because he exposed me to COVID

Date: 12/18/2021

By randybobandy

I went to a fair where I was supposed to meet my boyfriend Joe. A lot of his coworkers were there. I finally saw him and we all started hanging out. He mentioned being with Luke the day before. I immediately froze, remembering Luke had just tested positive for COVID. “Hold up, Luke? Does he not have COVID??” I asked. Joe said, “Yeah but he doesn’t have symptoms, it’s not like he’s sick.” I started freaking out. “What is wrong with you, you can’t be serious, I told you so many times do not expose me to COVID.” He rolled his eyes and said, “Stop, we’re fine.” “No we are done. Get the fuck away from me.” I started running away deeper into the fair. I saw a set up for a little train that was stationed in front of an acrobat, who was a coworker I had 4 jobs ago. Some of Joe’s coworkers who witnessed the fight were there. I stood next to one of them on the train. I asked if I was crazy and he said “No, that’s pretty fucked up.” Joe found me and sat behind me trying to talk to me. The train started moving so I couldn’t go anywhere. “Get away from me,” I told him, starting to cry. “Why?? I don’t have COVID, stop freaking out you’re acting insane.” “You’ve severely disrespected me,” I continued crying. “How??” He seemed confused. “You don’t respect my feelings about COVID. I told you don’t expose me to COVID, you said you wouldn’t, but you just did!!” “It doesn’t matter,” Joe argued. I looked at him. He was sitting and eating something with his hands. He looked so much more overweight than I remembered. His face was so much fatter. His hygiene looked bad. I thought to myself, ‘This is the guy I’ve been dating?’ I also thought about how I only just got tested yesterday for the last time he exposed me and now I needed to get tested again. When the train stopped I got up and started walking away but Joe followed me continuing to argue. I just wanted to be done.