Prison Escape and long lost father

Date: 7/26/2019

By BooBooJrfangirl

For context I am adopted. My dream last night revolved around this fact. So the dream started with me in jail. I’m not sure what crime I committed but I suspect it might have been robbery. My cell mate is some snarky master criminal who thinks I’m just some lowlife. At some point a prison guard comes up to me and we have a playful exchange, it’s clear I’m hiding something but the guard chooses to walk away rather than further investigate. However the guard comes back and finds some famous jewelry I’ve stolen and brought with me. But before the guard can reprimand me, I vanish down the hall and escape. The scene stayed with the guard and my cell mate for a little bit afterwards. My cellmate expressed disbelief over my “skills” and decides to follow me, also breaking out of the prison. A James Bond style aesthetic movie opening began. On the outside I try to lead a normal life. That is until someone contacts me saying they know who my birth father is and will use the information against me. We meet up and they reveal that my father is the creator of some famous viral video from a long time ago. Think something along the lines of nyan cat or the duck song. However I can’t remember what viral video my dream used. This villain planed on using this information as black mail against me. I didn’t want to ruin my birth family’s reputation by coming into their lives but I also really wanted to meet them. This was made even more difficult by the news that my birth father had passed away. Apparently he had been rather old, having had me at a late age. I tracked down a friend from prison (not my cellmate) and we discussed my options in this situation. That was when the dream ended. I’d like to imagine had the dream gone further I would have teamed up with my old cellmate and taken down the blackmailing villain and I would have been able to secretly meet my birth fathers family.