Family Showers and Getting Lost on Purpose

Date: 5/5/2020

By baburubān

I’m in this small cabin room with a bunch of bunk beds except they’re not double beds they’re triple. All of my cousins and siblings were sleeping in this room. I wanted to take a shower before bed and so did Lily so we went down to the bathrooms. Lily said that I can bath in either the Gillett Shower Room or the Nylund’s family bathroom. I chose the Nylunds, Lily said she was just going to shower in her parents room. I told her that sounds a bit risky considering they’re asleep and “The Hallway” is so close by (ok so the hallway is a thing in my dream that’s always present if the Nylunds are present— endless ominous hallways you can easily get lost in. Something about it though draws you to it, as Elsie’s been stuck in there. The only way to escape is to somehow luckily find the exit or wake up. Weirdly enough, this is the first time the Hallway has been mentioned vocally in dream). She said “oh yeah but I’ll be ok” and we laughed about it. Jump to an entirely different setting, I’m at a camp with a couple of friends. My cabin and another girl cabin were sharing the pool, and Julia was trying to learn waterpolo. Eventually my cabin was about ready to leave but this one girl from the other cabin (she looked like an evil version of Stella C., a girl I know) kept trying to convince the girls in my cabin to stay in a lowkey desperate way. I said “Calm down you didn’t even talk to half of us” I didn’t want to stay just to be ignored, ya know? She clearly had an idea that as a society we live in a popularity cache system and that some of the girls were higher than her and she wanted to join their level; while me and a couple other girls were below her and not worth her time. Well anyways she didn’t take that comment too kindly. Kam and I were linked arms and walking down the path to the cabin with our group when the mean girl from earlier shoved between the group and us so we were separated from everyone else. I offer to Kamryn to kick the mean girls knees in so that she falls but Kamryn thought that was too harsh and that there were too many witnesses. So then I suggest we “get lost” because the mean girl separated us from our group and we want her to look like the bad guy, so Kam agrees and we start walking toward the boys cabin area. Her brother Nolan makes a brief cameo and we stop to see this group of people dressed in all cream colored clothing. The leader of said group is Nikki Bond, and she’s super embarrassed because her grandma’s there. The group then does an interpretive dance called “Journey to the Egg”. I make a gesture that resembled fingering a girl and a guy mid dance gave me a fist bump. A boy cabin noticed that we were lost and lead us back to our cabin. For some reason the guy counselor was really intent on talking about bras with us for some reason, and I was trying way too hard to be chill. Anyways so Kam and I get back to our cabin, we tell the cabin it was all evil girl’s fault, and then we start getting ready for bed.