Date: 10/27/2017
By exar
Had a dream the other night that I was a princess and I was arranged to marry a prince. It took place in a warped version of York most notably in the center (the church was a castle and that shop with the cool Christmas decorations in the window was a library) and that house on Avon Ave with the separate garage and Japanese maple. But there weren't any trees - the landscape was a lot more like an open field with lots of sky and grass. I wanted to marry the prince and I actually think we conspired to get our courts (parents were not involved in the process) to propose the marriage. Our plan succeeded, but our courts only agreed to the marriage if we could pass an exam of the belief system of the each others kingdoms. My kingdom believed in contemporary science, but I think both belief systems existed in the dream so it wasn't a source of contention. The prince had already passed the exam for my system because he had already taken classes or something. He told me of his success atop a hill in a meadow and gently placed a silvery, sparkly tiara on my head. The tiara had lots of tall, very thin strands of silver lined with tiny crystals or diamonds or something. I'm pretty sure it let me do magic, too, it was sweet. I was wearing a blue Disney style dress á la Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Elsa. It had a top layer that was sheer and kind of sparkly. I couldn't really see my face (the dream was in third person perspective), so I don't know if it was actually me or not, but the complexion and body type led me to believe it was me. Also the hair. The prince was almost exactly dressed like the jugglers in Pokemon with a dark purple cape, exposed white sleeves, etc. I vouldnt make out his face either. He had short, almost black hair and a tan/olive complexion with warm undertones. He had that body type where you can't really tell whether the person is muscly or pudgy (I hope it was pudgy I feel like it'd be better for cuddles), not until Christoff, but more like the proportions of the prince from Cinderella. He had those shiny dress shoes that I like, but I was barefoot because I had gone for a walk in the meadow before he met me there. He was only a couple inches taller than me and he didn't have any tiara or crown. I think I would get to give him a crown or tiara if I passed my exam. He dragged his hand down my cheek as he finished placing the tiara and I met it with my hand and we walked back to the kingdom to get ready for my exam. I studied in some library by myself for awhile, but I was taken abruptly by a courtier or a page and brought into a courtyard. I knew my exam was going to be harder for some reason and it was a big deal because if I failed we could never be together. When they dragged me into the courtyard I was horrified to see the prince locked in a barred window above the archway I entered the courtyard from banging on the window with like a giant handcuff around his stomach, chaining him to the room. Then a poof of lavender magic appeared in front of me and manifested in the form of someone magically transformed into the prince. I had to successfully explain to the fake prince the complex fantasy belief system with the real prince locked away right behind him to really reinforce the importance of the whole event. It turned out that all the courts in the continent were secretly working for some evil force and the prince and I were both super magic and good so they didn't us married but they also didn't want to arise suspicions by denying our marriage so they planned to take us both out through the exams. They didn't anticipate the prince not needing to complete the exam and therefore him giving me the tiara, but they still went through with their evil plan. At this point I... sort of used the tiara (?) to create a ghost version of myself to float up and save the prince while I tried to finish the exam. While I was explaining the religion, the fake prince tried to make me fall asleep so I couldn't finish the exam and as I was drifting off in the dream I started to wake up in real life.