Big snake

Date: 2/16/2018

By snails

I’m at the zoo with my dad kind of. He’s with his friends and I’m alone which is fine. I’m on call with Biv but we keep breaking up and it’s super annoying so I end up hanging up. Go to see the snakes. Green tree boas, blood pythons :) Big Big Big anaconda! I accidentally telepathically bond with the Burmese python they have in the reptile part. Time to Escaping from the Tacoma zoo. I can morph into a giant python. woman that owned the zoo was using us and exploiting us. Team effort helped me escape. Basically my job: to get myself to safety before I can help anybody else. Also I’m a huge python. I get out and try to get away. I make it pretty far by traveling in and along thebank of the huge river that apparently flows through Tacoma now and the huge tropical jungle that surrounds me. When I get home someone has tracked me down so I have to sneak into my car and transform back into a human so I can drive to the zoo and drop myself / the giant snake im the front seat off. I don’t know if im the snake or if the snake is the snake. Something about Ryan joiner? Something about having friends and stuff. Something about this guy I’m seeing and his little sister who can’t know we are dating or she’s gonna get pissed. I really have no idea. I’m finally on my way to the zoo but I drive the wrong way and go back to the Tacoma zoo but only like halfway there so I have to turn around and drive back also I’m a snake so I can’t hold my phone and google map AND drive at the same time. I wake up when I’m finally on my way to the zoo.