Ex-boyfriend in Korea

Date: 10/12/2017

By laurenl98

I don’t know why I keep having weird dreams about my ex in the context of Asian stuff but here I was, homeless in Korea living out of an abandoned building and I couldn’t speak the language or contribute to society or anything so I was just trying to live and survive and it was pretty embarrassing cuz I was doing such a bad job of living and surviving so I ended up going to a small rural school so I could learn Korean and maybe live life for myself and I was smelly and cold and hungry and irritable anyway so I start walking to the school and the first few days we are just doing coloring and stuff and it’s really just me and a couple other kids but they’re all much younger than me but they don’t interact much with me nor do they really think it’s weird that I’m there cuz apparently white people do this a lot and join their rural school class cuz they need to learn the language or something to survive. Anyway after a couple days or a little bit of time or so, my ex comes into the school too. He sees me looking rough as fuck and tries to sit next to me and start a conversation but I am having NONE of it so I literally turn to him and say in a very not-joking way, “I really do NOT want to talk to you.” Anyway that was an extremely empowering moment, even in a dream sequence, bc I had been wanting to say that to him for a very long time now. So he shuts up and his friends are on the other side of me and we are all coloring Korean coloring books in silence with colored pencils so I get up and exchange pencils and as soon as school is over I run all the way back home and he follows me and sees that I’m living in an abandoned house and I feel all embarrassed cuz I’m struggling but he just looks at it and keeps walking and he goes back to his own home, wherever it is. And then I never go to school again.