Thanksgiving and buying sandwich supplies for event happening irl

Date: 11/7/2019

By pinkstar16121

I guess it was Thanksgiving, but it didn't feel like Thanksgiving or like I was in my own house, but I was. I remember my aunt, my mom's sister-in-law being there and my uncle, my mom's brother-in-law was there. There was this Ziploc bag of sweet bread of which I took one slice, but my mom was so concerned that I and every one would eat all the bread. I was like "chill." I then went to get a stick of butter to butter my bread and, for some reason, while I was doing that, I was also trying to call this person about my student loans or something. I was trying to reach like a head figure whose name was Bruce Lee. His title was principal. I couldn't reach him though, of course, because it was Thanksgiving! I'd forgotten or that's like when it first occurred to me in the dream that it was, but it was more like I was remembering "oh yeah, it's Thanksgiving, duh!" Then, I was embarrassed and just went to join my family at the table. The next part of the dream took place outside. I felt like I was outside a lot. It was like family game time. We were in some front yard running around. I also remember stepping out onto some back deck vaguely. This definitely wasn't my house, and it wasn't implied that it was. I remember some characters from the last book I read showing up in the yard. They were this teenage boy who has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and his girlfriend, except his girlfriend also became his sister for a moment, which was weird until I realized she was his sister, then she turned into his girlfriend. They had gotten married, but she was unhappy because he had repeatedly been unfaithful to her. I remember her crying, and I remember thinking his mom would scold him for that, but she wasn't in the dream. There was also this brief part that I remember half waking up during because I'm pretty sure I was conscious when I stretched my arms above my head. There was this African American family. Two grandparents and kids. I remember hearing someone say "fun with grandma and grandpa," and seeing the grandmother put her arms above her head in like a gesture of joy. When I went fully back to sleep, I remember being in this downtown area of my hometown (technically the town adjacent to my hometown) and I found myself in this supermarket. I was at the deli counter, contemplating how much deli supplies I should buy to make like 20-24 sandwiches. I was in the middle of struggling to convey my order to the deli guy, but the scene switched before it could finish. I actually don't remember what happened next though I just know that scene was cut off.