Crazy Trip

Date: 4/26/2021

By Bito

Kind of hard to remember the order of events but I will do my best. It started with a trip I took to Mexico or at least I thought it was Mexico. I met this girl who seemed very normal so we hung out at this outdoors brunch area when a couple of officials came (some sort of cops) and they took our passports and we were both escorted away. We ended up in this dingy little building, a prison I believe. Although I'm pretty sure it was a hotel. They locked us both in a suite and the girl immediately started looking for a way out. I was confused and highly skeptical of the whole situation. I don't know what I was in this situation for but I knew I was innocent. The girl however seemed a little too comfortable and she also knew exactly what she was doing because she started opening Windows setting traps. There was a big bag of rice that she dumped out onto the floor near the entrance in case the cops came back. Then she hopped out the window into some sort of back terrace. I followed and we successfully escape the building but she didn't seem like she was in a hurry. I was ready to leave, run far away from the entire situation but the girl was taking her leisure. I heard some noise coming from the area where we fled and I thought okay they found out and they're coming to find us. So my sense of urgency heightened but this girl was just playing in some sand. For a moment there I thought she was setting me up so I just left her ass. I had no idea where I was or where I was going there was a highway and the place was very open. I ran along the highway sprinting. And I didn't know where I was going but I was hoping to get a ride but no cars would stop. I just continued running when I came across a map of the local area. I can tell by the geography that I was in Canada and that I was close to home so I just kept running. Then I ran into a police officer but this one look different from the other thugs. He had a different uniform on and he was making traffic stops. He had a little setup in a big tree where he was just camping out I think. It was weird but he stopped me and I was speechless for a moment. When I realize you can help me I cooperated. I asked him if he would be more comfortable if I got on the ground. He said yes I proceeded to assume the position. I told him everything, that I was a tourist, about the girl, the hotel, and about the thugs/cops. Wasn't sure if he believed me or not until he told me I was under arrest for stealing a car - which I had no clue about. And another dream a few of my friends and I were in France and some of us were trying to help Madison and Carl, the couple. Resolve some relationship issue. We set up a date for the couple and left to give them their privacy but we came back after a while and it turned out Carl never showed up. Poor Madison was so devastated. You f***** up Carl.