Date: 11/15/2018
By Naila
I was back in elementary school again and my classmates (I can't remember anyone clearly except Jasmin) and I found this book wich had instructions to a game. We started playing that game inside a dollar shop. The game went like this; One person would be holding a book an describing someones face and features on it, while others would close their eyes and feel their way trough the items on the shelves and pick what they feel would fit the best to the description. The kid that was reading from a book described a man with curly hair and equaly curly mustache so I found a pink hair scrunchie for his mustache and a big bath sponge for hair. Later in the rules we read that it's required for a person to do anal with someone (and for some reason even though we were all kids we knew what that ment) and they picked Jasmin but he didn't accept it. He said that those rules weren't fair and since we were back in school a teacher heard us and she said that she was playing that game with her friends before and they raped her and forced her to do anal. I asked her why was that a part of the game to begin with but she said she didn't know.