Date: 12/11/2016
By Carolina
i was holding someone's baby... maybe someone that i knew very well. i could feel something wet on my hands and noticed a lot of blood. i noticed the baby was bleeding like she had her period and i started freaking out. i was out to dinner with my parents in a crowded restaurant and b wanted to show me where the bathroom was and i insisted that i knew. i only found a men's bathroom and the search for the women's bathroom became increasingly creepy. i walked down dark halls with neon lights. i asked waiters but no one could help me. i was sleeping in a bed in a very messy room. maybe i lived there but it wasn't clear. mi came in and started settling in saying she was returning and it was her room, feeling selfish i took out an air mattress and said she could sleep there. m came by as well along with a trans woman. m kept saying she wanted the trans woman to meet some celebrity that she knew. another woman came and said that she would be staying in the room as well and brought cats. i started worrying about the safety of everything. i kept trying to put moldy old roses in a vase but it was disgusting and the roses kept falling out. at the end multiple people had joined but they all decided to sleep in the room next door leaving me alone. i called my mom and i told her i was scared. she said she wasn't far and she would come by. she asked me what scared me and i said "21" she said i should take 21 steps from the room to find out what scared me. when i got there i saw a door and i collapsed on the floor crying.