Superman battered spine

Date: 1/23/2022

By soulatman

I see a man in front of a huge array of screens with images of people and historical artifacts. Egyptian heiroghyphs ? One a feather. The screens can be moved lef right up down. In front and behind each other. The person moving them is someone famous for being a motivator or educator of some kind. The people he helps tend to become rich powerful and famous. He says something about the great philosophers, that where one was wrong another was right. He says this was even true of Hegel. the implication is Hegel is disliked for his political philosophy ? I see a number when Hegel is mentioned. A date ? 11 something. like 1196. I get confused because the year is much earlier than Hegel. I see an old newspaper under a coffee table with Something sticking out like a ticket Corner inside the newspaper. Someone mentions the Superman franchise collapsed in the 1950 's, but then was remade in the 80's. Scene switches to Something about Superman and his friend. his friend wears a yellow costume. Superman and a friend of his with similar powers fly down onto the top floor of a building. There is a meeting of some powerful people. Politicians ? Gangsters ? Both? Superman and friend walking around in a cocky manner. Guy in a bright blue suit punches Superman to the ground with a Super punch. Now I see . in place of both Superman and his friend are two small what look like half eaten peices of battered fish. on the front of the battered fish is what looks like a maggot tied to the fish. This is Supermans spine. Supermans butler comes rushing along and picks up the two peices of battered spines. He is very emotional. While doing this he says ok you made your point or something . The butler intends to take them and put them ' into a machine which will restore them both. the implication isthat both Superman and his friend are fakes? or machine like?