Fuck you I'm taking control

Date: 8/4/2023

By cesarsald

This dream is jumbled together cause I'm writing it later. I remember being in a store kinda like dicks with other people. I know we messed around in got and trouble but we got away and hid in the store till they closed. When we left our spot we wandered the store and found out some other group also hid. After a while an employee comes out telling us that the cops are here and that we need to stay to get arrested. In my mind I'm like wtf I don't wanna get caught and realise I can just wake up. But I don't wake up fully I just open my eyes a bit to see my room. This was when I realise I can just go back into my dream and just not get caught by imagining it differently. I was able to do it and somehow talk in my dream while realising it was a dream and could control it somewhat. I basically tell the employee go fuck themselves and while they looked surprised I just walked out and imagined getting into a car and driving away. The whole time it felt kinda weird cause I was in the dream but knew I could just immediately break it and wake up if I wanted to. There was more to the dream but it's too many scattered details to make any sense since I forgot portions.