My hair

Date: 10/29/2019

By pinkstar16121

I know this dream is because yesterday I was thinking about how I want to wear my flapper costume from my cousin's Gatsby birthday party for Halloween and wondering if it'd be worth it to go out in the rain like that. No I'm not going trick or treating. I'm going to my aunt's like we do every year to hand out candy and hang out. Anyway...the dream: I remember my grandfather's girlfriend was in the dream, and she was either going to curl my hair or she was expecting it was going to be curled. My six year old sister was also getting her hair curled. It looked like beach wave curls and looked really pretty. My grandfather's girlfriend took notice. I remember we were on some beach by the water. I expected her to be disappointed that my hair wasn't done, but I don't remember if she said anything about it. Then, I was in my bathroom, trying to curl my hair. I thought I was using a curling iron, but then that disappeared and I had to use my blow dryer, wrapping my hair around the top part, which was, needless to say, difficult. I felt like I was in a rush. Then, I had to leave, like catch my ride that had arrived. I had only gotten one curl in my hair in the front on the left side that was from the curling iron. When I went outside it was raining, and now I was just like "forget it, this one curl is just gonna get messed up now." I think I tried to cover my hair with the hood of my raincoat, but that of course, messed up my hair too. I also remember at one point doing my makeup, using the thick eyeliner pencil I used to do my makeup for my cousin's party (my sister actually did my makeup for that) but I was doing it in the dream. The scene switched to me in this classroom and this teacher seemed to hate me for some reason. She handed out paper to the class, then literally said to me "you're not getting paper." I got a piece anyway somehow that just appeared on my desk. She wanted everyone to draw a face, a human face. She wanted us to take our time with it and make it look nice. I wanted to impress her and make it look good and realistic. There was a guide up on the board of a drawn baby face. It was cute with twinkling eyes, the effect made with leaving one little part unshaded so white showed through, and a little nose. I copied it exactly, perfectly copying the eyes, the nose, a smile, then drawing a circle for the head. Although the nose looked perfect with the ridge of one nostril, I couldn't help but want to draw the other nostril that I think was drawn in the guide, but when I did it got messed up and didn't look like a nose anymore, but a deformity. The teacher explained to me the nose was fine how it was, and it had to be drawn from a side angle. I erased it, and tried to fix it. This fixation on the nose I think comes from me watching this VSauce video about why we have two nostrils. The next part I was in this bathroom stall taking this test. There was one or two other girls in stalls taking the same test. They finished before me. All I remember of the test is the very last part that, although I can't remember the content of the test, I know was completely irrelevant. It was a short answer section and all the questions were about hair. One I distinctly remember said "You have to go out in the rain, but you've just done your hair. What do you do?" I answered quickly as if it were obvious, satisfied because I felt like these questions were trying to stump me. "I'd wear a hat," I wrote, saying it either in my head or out loud with a duh tone. When I was done, I went into this library. I remember I felt disconcerted by the books, like there was something off about them. They seemed to be unorganized in their stacks, and they were all also unusually tall and skinny, which made me uncomfortable. They also were all the same blue grey color. The scene switched again to me at this like diner or something with these girls. I remember this one blond girl was talking about how hungry she was, saying her stomach was screaming at her to eat. We all laughed and said we could relate, all suddenly imitating her/our angry, hungry stomachs. I think we were eating Mac and cheese. I remember seeing outside the window by us all these bees. Someone closed one window. There was also another window that was opened, and I was sure a bee would fly in, but then I realized there was a screen barrier and felt better. The remaining part of the dream involved me with these three girls who were Kardashians. They were somehow related to Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe, like cousins or something. I remember we were in this desert. I started walking ahead of them. I felt like I/we needed to leave where we were. I looked back at them, and they seemed to like my idea of leaving. So they followed. I remember the sky was such a vibrant blue, almost fake-looking. We ended up in my house and hiding behind my couch. There were these guys, terrorists who found us. One of the girls gave him this bag of ingredients to make some kind of bomb. I scolded her, saying now she helped him to make a bomb. That's all I remember.