15 seconds of Hell

Date: 9/8/2017

By Norswil

This dream was no joke, vivid and just pure horror. I've had some fucked up dreams but this could be the worst. I'm walking down the long hallway, it's dark. It's our old family house. I see light coming from the bottom of the bathroom door and hear whimpers, scratching and thumping coming from within. I swing the door open and walk in. There's a man dressed/wrapped head to toe in black cloth, only his eyes showing through a thin gap. His eyes were wide and full of hate. He's also holding a long knife. I turn to see my sister. She's been stripped naked, gagged and tied to a chair that's been placed in the bath. Tears streaming down her face, blood from a few knife wounds pooling in the bath bellow. Her face was full of pure terror and fear. She immediately starts thrashing around and lets out a loud, yet muffled scream. And with that the man lunges forward and plunges the knife deep into my left eye. I fall to the floor, a loud ringing in my ears. My vision blurs and turns grey until everything is grey. I feel my heart twist and give up with one last laboured beat. Then silence, stillness and death. The dream was only about 10 seconds long from when I opened the door. About 8.5 of that I spent dying, once I walked in it all happened so quickly. I'll never forget the look on my sister's face or what it felt like to die, it was so real and traumatic that I actually feel like I know what it'd be like to die, in that way. Waking up and realising it was a dream, was the most relived i've ever felt. (Other than waking up from 'The demon' dream. Check my dream list for that one ;) )