random school day

Date: 12/30/2019

By space_tubbs

here i am at school again. it’s after school and i’m with mr yee, talking and writing a letter to him. he’s leaving so i felt like just had to write everything down in a card for him, explaining how much of an amazing teacher he’s been. as i finish the letter, alondra comes in and we both leave, apparently she’s spending a night at my house lol. so that happens and now it’s the following monday after the weekend. apparently i have a car? and i drive it to school very wreck less (yes i’ve been playing a bit too much GTA) and i was given a new schedule with new classes and it was lowkey weird. i couldn’t find my science class, (it was like anatomy but different. idk i said the name of it in my dream but i forgot) i don’t know, there was a whole part of jorge and i arguing about which class is what while sitting in my car. after i found which class was mine, i rushed in and introduced myself to the teacher. this was an extremely small class, it consisted of like 7 people including me. and the weirdest part was that it was me, 5 other girls, and victor. ahaha. since he was the only person i knew there, i immediately gravitated towards him and sat next to him. he told me how he felt uncomfortable since all 5 of these girls were clearly trying to get at him, not knowing that he already has a girlfriend. ay yes, his girlfriend. i ask him how she’s doing and if she’s ok, he responded very cheerfully and literally made a “^_^” face lol. he was that happy to talk about her. i felt weird about it and just continued to participate in whatever my class was doing (which was kinda sketchy bc it seemed like we were doing some sort of ritual)