Digital art, Witness the incredible story of the brave girl who adopted her pet baby deer, as told through a dall-e image!

My pet baby deer

Date: 3/23/2018

By MsBananaNanner

I worked at or at least was in a vet clinic in the back and found this little baby deer that someone had brought in. It was injured, but still tried to run all around on its non-hurt legs. I found its files and saw that they were going to put it down later that day. I sat with it long enough that it let me pick it up—it was about the size of a dog. With it tight in my arms I ran out to the doctors and demanded they explain why they were going to put it down and begged them not to. They informed me there’s been a whole vote and everything and that they couldn’t justify the cost. I pleaded with them more, and told them I’d adopt it myself if I had to. They still wouldn’t change their minds, saying it would cost too much and be too much work just for an animal thy wasn’t meant to be tame anyway. I left the deer in the back of the vet place and went to try to find some way that I could force them to keep it alive. I just needed a loophole. After a day of no luck I returned to the vet to find them underway with putting the little baby deer down. They had it laying on the table under the anesthetic just waiting for the final shot. Tears streamed down my face as I again begged them not to do it, to just give me more time and I’d figure something out but that they couldn’t just kill the poor thing. I was right over beside it, bent over t on the table and covering it with my own body, refusing to let them give it the shot. Just as they’re about to throw me out someone finally stops them and says to just wait until the next day because it clearly means so much to me. I spend the next day furiously searching for a solution as well as taking all the time I can to snuggle with my baby deer. I thought it looked a lot like my dog that we recently put down which was why I was so attached to it. When I come back to the vet this time the deer is gone, and so is the llama that was always there that was in the same situation. They tell me they’re at someone’s house, and that they’re not putting either down. They tell me my cousin called in and offered to pay any bills necessary, so they’d done the surgery on its leg and then a volunteer took them home until I could get them. I get the address and then head straight there. There’s all kinds of deep snow on the road and it’s up this big hill but we made it and the little deer came running to my arms and I was crying and just giving it so many kisses on its little head and hugging it so tight and I was so happy he was still alive. The llama was there too he had a cute little jumper on and he acted like a big fluffy dog. I decide the two of them can be brothers. Then I kept getting interviews from all these random magazines because I was the girl who fought so hard to keep her pet deer. Like, I’d called senators and done petitions and literally done everything possible. And now there were people all over the world donating money so that the deer and llama could live.